Chronic pain affects more American than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. 50 % of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms every year. In fact, back pain is one of the most common reasons for missed work. It is also the second most common reason people to consult their physician. Discover how the FX Series can provide lasting relief to whoever deals with lower back pain.

ALMS Clinical Assoicates is now accepting appointments for Erchonia's new FX Series laser treatment for the relief of chronic low back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle strains, neck and shoulder pain, planer fasciitis, carpel tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis, and tennis elbow. FDA- approves, non-invasive, pain-free procedure with results in weeks

Dr. LaManna " Chronic Low Back Pain and all other treatments can be extremely painful and persistent. Erchonia's FX SERIES laser is ideal for chronic pain sufferers, because of it offers effective, pain- free treatment without side effects. In just little as three to six weeks with two treatments per week, patients can have significant and lasting relief from it.

The FX Laser Series offers non- invasive lasers that conjointly rotate to target the pain area to relieve chronic low back pain. You just relax and let the FX do the rest. The FX low back treatment consists of (8) 20- minute treatments administrated (2) times per week for 4 weeks.